


国防部:台湾当归 归来天地宽

国防部:台湾当归 归来天地宽

  The 国防归归MND: Taiwan will Return and Have a Better Future



  Question: According to the “Taiwan Central News Agency”, Lai Ching-te, leader of the Taiwan region recently said that countries like China and Russia threaten the rule-based international order and undermine peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond. Therefore, Taiwan needs to continue to raise “defense budget” and enhance “defense capabilities.” What’s your comment?


  Wu Qian: Lai Ching-te and his kind have betrayed their ancestors and what he said was far away from the truth. International documents including the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation have confirmed that the Taiwan region should be returned to China. Such fact is an important part of the post-WWII international order. The victory and outcome of the WWII must be respected and safeguarded. There is no other status of the Taiwan region in the international law than being a part of China.


  The Lai Ching-te administration, in collusion with foreign forces, has been making constant provocations for “Taiwan independence”. It is now the biggest source of chaos that undermines peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and the Asia Pacific. We warn the Lai Ching-te administration and separatists for “Taiwan independence” that any attempt to seek independence by force is just like holding back the tide with a broom, and will eventually lead to self-destruction. Those seeking “Taiwan independence” will never have a good end. The PLA will spare no effort to fight separatism and promote national reunification. We have full confidence that the Taiwan region will return to the motherland and will have a better future after its return.

友情链接: 哇,有一大袋美女! 《蜀门》 玩家爆照露真容《大航海时代OL》征服帝降临特殊活动开启枞阳海螺供应处积极开展氨水市场调研工作枞阳海螺:考评促发展、传递正能量修真渡劫,浅谈《焚天》心法系统人保部辟谣:没说过工资条例有望年内出台钱桥中学2014年高考本科一次性达线331人22省市区公布上半年GDP 中西部地区增长最强劲《龙之幻想》今日新服 选星座打造最个性宠物枞阳海螺组织开展安全知识抢答赛《大航海时代OL》征服帝降临特殊活动开启钢铁侠乱入《梦幻龙族II》氪金强化套装《天涯明月刀》封测抢号开启 天积系统今日上线枞阳海螺公司组织开展安全综合大检查香港金管局:将探讨扩大人民币结算业务打造个性职业 《神泣》另类配点帮你忙枞阳海螺:考评促发展、传递正能量枞阳县大力推进水保重点工程建设梦三国新英雄单挑赛 大神教你玩马腾音之舞艺术培训中心举办夏季文艺汇演钱桥中学2014年高考本科一次性达线331人财政部官员称房产税改革可考虑差别税率2013CJ展最会卖萌妹子 大胆着装引围观梦三国新英雄单挑赛 大神教你玩马腾22省市区公布上半年GDP 中西部地区增长最强劲美今年银行业破产数已逾百今夏最热《魔域》豪车圆梦计划发“女体车”高温预警账号值多少?《征途2》官方帮你鉴定VIP豪礼人人有《新惊天动地》免费奖品大放送防暑降温有妙招 《仙侠世界》让您清凉过夏天枞阳海螺:考评促发展、传递正能量PK星矢 《卓越之剑2》新角色龙首爆枞阳海螺组织开展安全知识抢答赛财政部官员称房产税改革可考虑差别税率22省市区公布上半年GDP 中西部地区增长最强劲《龙之幻想》今日新服 选星座打造最个性宠物枞阳海螺顺利完成40万吨出口低碱熟料发运枞阳开展一事一议专项监督检查2014年枞阳中学高考喜报不做蹭凉族《极光世界》避暑胜地美景盘点
