





  The MND Criticizes the Latest US NDAA: the Worst Enemy of the US is the US Itself



  Question:It is reported that US Prtional Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2025 into law, which announced a defense budget of up to 895 billion US dollars for the next fiscal year and identified China as one of the major challenges to the US national security. Some analysts suggest that the introduction of this Act reflexes the deep anxiety of the US about its own strengths. May I have your comment? Will China significantly increases its defense spending as a result?


  Zhang Xiaogang:The US NDAA played up the alleged “China military threat” as an excuse to increase US military spending and maintain its hegemony. This grossly interferes with China’s internal affairs and undermines world peace and stability. We are strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposed to it.


  China has no intention to challenge any country. In fact, the worst enemy of the US is the US itself. US military expenditure has already topped the world for long, which is still increasing rapidly year by year. This fully exposes the belligerent nature of the US and its obsession with hegemony and expansion. It’s clear to all that many current wars and conflicts are a result of US policy failures. The wars and military operations launched by the US since 2001 have caused more than hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of injuries, and displaced tens of millions of people. The US’s abuse of force not only brings harm to the world, but also accelerates its own decline.


  Our planet is big enough for both China and the US to develop individually and collectively. China remains committed to the path of peaceful development and a defense policy that is defensive in nature. We do not engage in any arms race with any other country, and always serve as a defender for world peace. We urge the US side to abandon Cold-war mentality and zero-sum mindset, and get rid of its obsessive delusion of containing and outcompeting China, so as not to undermine the bilateral and mil-to-mil relations between China and the US. With stronger capacities and more reliable methods, the Chinese military will take resolute countermeasures against any infringements and provocations to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests.

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